Mind Your Body TV Episode 41 with Tina Tessina, Ph.D.
If you’re newly single, navigating the often choppy waters of dating may feel at best unfamiliar, and at worst, really scary. It’s especially difficult if you were married or in a relationship for a long time, which is likely the case since we gal boomers have more than a few (good) years under our collective belts. You want to achieve successful online dating.
You’re not alone and there’s plenty of help. Congratulations on realizing you’re not going to “just meet someone” without effort on your part—and your future partner’s.
I’m writing from a heterosexual standpoint here. You’ll probably not meet Mr. Right in a bar, in a store, on the beach, or via a friend or family member. If you do—good on ya’! But if you don’t, please read on.
Boomer dating on rise
Match.com is undoubtedly the granddaddy of dating websites, and takes pains to know its clientele and their habits. It says people over 50 (That’s us!) make up its fastest-growing demographic. The site’s second annual Singles in America study done this year found:
We boomers aren’t desperate: Singles over 60 are most likely to insist on a partnership that includes sexual attraction and romance; moreover, they are more likely than any other age group to achieve orgasm—a thrilling 91-100 percent of the time!
Men find loneliness just as stressful as women do: Thirty-one percent of men and 33 percent of women report that they find loneliness to be “very stressful” or “somewhat stressful.” And men are more likely to report that loneliness is a challenging aspect of being single (27 percent of men and 22 percent of women).
When it comes to cohabitation, men want to commit sooner than women: Contrary to popular belief, when dating a new partner, 46 percent of men and 26 percent of women would expect to move in together before they’d been dating someone for less than a year.
Additionally, the odds for us boomer gals aren’t bad. Although from 2007, statistics showed that in our age group, there were 92 men for every 100 women for those of us aged 55 through 64.
The Dr. Romance is “in”
Can’t wait for you to see this latest Mind Your Body TV video! Meet Tina Tessina, Ph.D., a licensed psychotherapist in Southern California with over 30 years’ experience in counseling individuals and couples. She’s also the author of 13 books in 17 languages.
You’ll see our set location is the bedroom and it’s no accident. Dr. Tina talks frankly, with humor and insight, about online dating, and in a later video, about sex and the boomer woman. I just know you’ll find her warm and engaging, and you’ll find her advice spot-on. Enjoy! And happy dating: Let me know when you find your new Magic Man.