Beauty Fashion and Image
Do you know how to manage skin cancer? Chances are, if you’re a woman of experience, you’ve had a bout with skin cancer—or maybe more than one, as I have. Here’s how my journey with skin cancer has gone […]
With so many products “out there,” it can sometimes feel like we’re swimming in a sea of “What should I buy?” I know and I feel the same way. Nice to have a little help from my friends with this perennial anti-aging challenge. Don’t know if you’re familiar with the belif true herbal cosmetic brand: […]
Creams come and go in our lives, and it’s nice when one earns a place in the drawer—a keeper. I’ve been using eb5’s Anti-Aging Facial Treatment in the 4-oz. jar for about month. No, I haven’t grown a new face, but the one I have feels nice! The product is considered “the original wrinkle cream,” […]
So, you’re looking at your mature face and thinking, “Gee, a little nip or tuck would be perfect right now—maybe here, maybe there.” I know that not everyone who reads Mind Your Body TV is a fan of or believer in plastic surgery. If you are, allow me to share what I’ve learned about the […]
The at-home beauty device market grew 22 percent last year, according to Cosmetics USA. I spoke to a renowned dermatologist recently who told me he believes we’ll be able to do many aesthetic, non-medical treatments ourselves and at home in the next few years. When I heard about LightStim, I wanted to know more—wanted […]
How are you feeling today? Do you feel beautiful? Meet a savvy marketing agency, BOOMbox Network in Chicago, that focuses on baby boomers–that’s us. Great choice! The team posted survey results at year’s end that asked gals ages 45+, within its network of bloggers and influencers, specific questions about beauty at our age. The research […]
You awoke this morning to a “new wrinkle” and maybe a couple of new brown spots on your skin. Unwelcome arrivals, to say the least? And maybe you started wondering—again—about what you can do to rid yourself of these new “features.” Wonder no more, for many of the answers you require are in a new […]
It’s always mystified me that mascara print ads show models who are obviously wearing either a strip of false lashes or individual false lashes. Go it one better, when graphics departments digitally enhance lashes to make them look long and lush and, amazingly, just like the lashes we all want to have, too. P&G’s Cover […]
They’re “everywhere” on TV. When you see those long, curved strands of hair on celebrities, anchors and contestants, you can be pretty sure they’re not real—just like some other physical attributes! I watched George Lopez’s new dating show on Fox, “Take Me Out,” and estimated that approximately 80 percent of the 30 women had hair […]
I’ve shared news of my favorite beauty and makeup products for baby boomer women here on Mind Your Body, with “must buy” lists from those in the know. Today’s blog will be short and simple: As part of my new self-imposed budget, I decided to try three very inexpensive products from wetnwild. I found them […]
I recently wrote about my nightly conundrum here on Mind Your Body: (No, not that one!) It’s about whether I should turn over and sleep on my side, thus creating or deepening facial lines. My natural instincts to flop usually win, but now, that’s ok. It’s because I heard from Kim Renton, who along with […]
When my friend and banking executive Trish told me she was going gray, I immediately imagined a very wide stripe reminiscent of a skunk’s coat. Staring at her lovely, thick, shoulder-length dark hair, I tried to imagine the transition as I shifted in my chair. “Wow. Why are you doing that?” I asked quietly. Her […]
They’re going out nude. Nothing on at all—on their faces that is. USA Today reports that two women from my hometown of Charlotte, N. C. have gone where few women dare to go—outside their houses without makeup. I cover makeup trends here at Mind Your Body and I’m impressed with the no makeup look adopted […]
Whether you’re shopping in Nordstrom or Macy’s, or cruising the aisles of CVS, Walgreens or Rite Aid, you can’t miss the products that cry out, “Buy me and I’ll make you look younger!” Promises, promises: With so many cosmeceutical suitors, what’s a baby boomer girl to do? What’s in your product? Cosmeceuticals marry cosmetics and […]
As debate continues to swirl around health care reform here in the U. S., way down south in Brazil, the concept of “health care” includes “plastic surgery.” Whereas not everyone here is a fan, in Brazil, there’s little to no stigma around the practice. As this Associated Press story reports, “Beauty is a right, and […]
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy I can’t forget this “TODAY” story about “Ageless Beauty,” a topic we’ve broached here on Mind Your Body recently. For example, this Mind Your Body TV video features a Bobbi Brown Makeup Facelift, and Lauren Hutton weighed in on her line designed specifically […]
Boomer beauties, have you ever noticed that with thousands of makeup products on the market, sometimes we still don’t get it right? We buy what’s “new” and “hot” at the drug store, or get prodded into purchasing products we don’t really need or want at our local department store, after a “free” makeup lesson at […]
I’ve been searching for that gushing fountain of youth, but haven’t found it here in Orange County—I even looked at Yellowstone National Park, near the geysers. I picked up the “current” issue of ELLE and behold: a well-done story about electric facials. Immediate results may not be exactly shocking, but electric facials are frequently behind […]