Mind Your Body Episode TV 26 with Denise Winston.
A banker for 25 years, now Denise Winston of www.MoneyStartHere.com takes her expertise all the way to our banks. If we haven’t done so already, Winston wants us baby boomers to (finally) master the basics of financial survival—I’d like us to master financial “thrival” in these areas Winston feels are key:
- Credit
- Budgeting
- Organization
- Banking
- Saving time and money
These goals are essential, she says:
- Be an educated consumer.
- Set financial goals.
- Motivate yourself with frequent rewards.
- Plan for the unexpected.
Yes, you can (do it).
Practice easy money-saving ideas
Winston speaks with enthusiasm and conviction backed by formidable experience. When it comes to money mistakes, she’s seen them all. I know you’ll enjoy her presentation about financial four-play—and no, she isn’t a sex therapist, but a financial “therapist.”
When Reader’s Digest called her “one of America’s cheapest people,” Winston took it as the supreme compliment. In this video, she shows us boomer gals inventive ways to save—and to win at the financial game of life. Employ her easy, useful money-saving ideas when you:
- eat out
- shop online
- date
- work
Now, ready, steady, save!
What’s so great about Winston’s money-saving ideas for us women 50+ is that this isn’t rocket science: We can employ them every day. I hope you’ll ask yourself, after you’ve watched: “Why didn’t I think of that?”
(Photo courtesy: © Liumangtiger | Dreamstime.com)