Mind Your Body TV Episode 45 with Lori Ann Robinson.
I’ve met some really wonderful people while doing Mind Your Body TV. I’ve genuinely enjoyed them and I’ve learned from them: That’s the great thing about being a journalist. I’m always going to school!
I could listen to fashion and image consultant Lori Ann Robinson for hours, especially when she’s talking about Hollywood actresses and bras. She is so full of life and great stories and she makes me laugh. There’s nothing funny about creating a negative image, and as a fellow fabulous gal boomer, she won’t let you do that. She’s here to show you how to dress for your own success.
As a popular costume designer for both hit TV shows, “The Bold and the Beautiful” and “General Hospital,” Lori Ann has seen a lot of bodies, baby, and she’s put a lot of clothes on them. She knows what works—and what doesn’t.
How great clothes make the woman
Lori blogs on her own website and you can read more there, but I pulled a few choice nuggets from her blogs:
- Wear good fitting clothes in good quality fabrics. Buy the best you can afford. Have a few key pieces for less is more. Fabric, construction and finishing speak volumes.
- Some of the most astonishing and inspirational women were the ladies that had the maturity and confidence. These are the women who are comfortable in their own skin and know they are NOT getting older, just BETTER, with age.
- Color is important to ageless beauty. It makes us look younger or older, heavier or thinner, lively or dowdy and it magnifies our inner beauty.
A list of must-do image tips
Check out Lori Ann’s lists that make sense for baby boomers and beyond who want to dress for success:
- Your Professional Accessory Checklist: (“I have belts that do not look like the dog chewed them.”)
- Your Professional Dressing Checklist: (“I have a sweater that is not too tight or shows my rolls of flesh.”)
If you’re in SoCal, I suggest getting to know her and her services, and if you’re not, why not fly her to you? You two can have some quality gal time and you’ll emerge a new person. You’ll “Look like yourself—only better.”
Of her four main offerings here, if you’re even a bit of a hoarder, I’d be very afraid of that closet audit—afraid in a good way, for you’ll probably be hitting the road to Goodwill after Lori Ann’s hit the road home.
You can dress for success
PS: Remember that no one pays to appear on Mind Your Body. Do watch Lori Ann’s great advice about choosing colors–and how to tie a scarf to work magic at the neck.