We’re all trying to achieve balance. I just read a new book I think you’ll enjoy called, “Achieving Optimal Living 360,” by Sanjay Jain, MD, MBA. I’ve identified a few key points so you, too, can achieve optimal living.
First, Dr. Jain names major commonalities and ways we all connect. He calls them Core Assets which he pins to this acronym, “ASPIRES”:
- Assets
- Safety
- Physical
- Intellectual
- Relationships
- Economic
- Spiritual
Dr. Jain also says we can utilize integrative decision making when we have to make a choice—and that the consequences of our choices will lay the foundation for our overall well-being. Next time you have to make a choice try this:
- Define the problem
- Frame the problem
- Develop all your options
- Analyze your options
- Make the decision
- Execute the decision
- Debrief yourself
Seems pretty logical, doesn’t it? I like that, and I plan to use this tool the next time I am confounded by a choice—which should be in the next few minutes.
Invest in your ROI
He talks a lot about return on investment or ROI. Consider his suggestions for Core Asset Protection Strategies (CAPS), helpful takeaways for anyone:
- Simplify
- Avoid information overload
- Unleash your creative thinking
- Keep visualizing your goals
- Use affirmations
- It’s okay to fail
- Have forgiveness
Finally, managing our precious time is best accomplished when we:
- Prioritize
- Stay organized
- Stay healthy
- Delegate
- Act now
His last piece of advice: “Remember: Our course in life does not follow a straight path. There will be ups and downs. Think of it as a stock chart.”
(Photo courtesy FreeDigitalPhotos.net and Kittisak.)